Welcome to our site, if you are looking optimization character of ask mr robot then it is that side where from you get all information and processing guide.
Yes, you can ask Mr robot anything to ask for your character optimizing. It is the best simulator basically its too helpful for Gamers. We gonna help you if you not understand.
Ask Mr robot anyone can use and its totally free gear simulator optimizer. how you can use ask mr robot it’s not too easy to do but don’t worry we guide step ways to easily do this hard or tricky work. The work or steps a character simulate using ask mr robot later section.
Ask Mr Robot
But before the start, we have to know its all several tricks and tips. Some of the version are different like some of came rotation available or ask Mr. Robot. Also, it has switched and includes main.
Must you have to know when or where you want to start or run ask Mr robot simulation, you have to choose the main rotation as like default?
The Include rotaion is now included in your main rotaion. Some conditions when provide then picke then based of switcher rotaion automatice of them.And also you have option to create some of functions and they all functions are be avaliable in your rotaions and spells.
How to Use ask mr robot
We are divided some step to easy to read and also following without any problems lets start.
Create Account
At the first you have to need an account on ask mr robot. The account making is free, on gear website optimize. Frist go to offincal home page or website of At the first you have to need an account on ask mr robot.

Then click login option which upper side of the screen.After click you see new page open then you see register option click on there. Full up all details like username, passward etc. After create all acount go to next step.
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Download simutaion client of ask mr robot
Go to the home page or of the ask Mr robot official side. Then Enter the character information then click the gear optimize button. Which like showing below in the image.
Your character will be now optimized. You need to do click top of the screen addon import button.
Then you can see A dialogue box is now open. Be careful don’t do any thing with thid bo, just go to Your minimap and click wow client and then click add option, if done go next step.
Doing the same which you recently do to open box containing as big or large text.
Now select all the text (Ctrl+A) and copy it by pressing (Ctrl+C). After this go to that page which you recently open box on ask mr robot. Just paste everything in the box (Ctrl+V).
Download the ask mr robot addon
Go to download the ask mr robot addon. Just right click on the file and click extract all. Now you will get all file. you can see a folder whose name is ask mr robot.
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After open click update folder next double click for update the file. When Installation finished automatic open a popup box to saying exit to press any key. So simple press any key in your keyboard for the exit.
After that Open AMR clien folder and surch or find or see a file which name is amr simple run that application or file. have you option to ask the information about amr and specify the information.
Now you need some time to waiting for the simulation of AMR.
You can see automatic loads the character when you go simulation website. Must check all character are to be correct and after that set everything which we are mention below.
- Version: Live version
- Script: Single Target alose
- Rotation: Make Default
- Sim Type: Gearing Strategy is best
- More option you can set as your preference
Next click simulates button. It takes some time for simulation all character. Also, you can perform any other work on your pc or laptop during this time.
Bottom Line
Thank you for reading this article if you have any question then please comment below we are happy to help your quarise reply. IF we are missed anything to discovered then please tell us below.
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