Best flash video downloader chrome extensions for faster and easier video downloads from your social networks like youtube, Instagram, Facebook, etc. Just a couple of clicks to download your fevered video in your pc. Mostly we use a chrome browser for security safety because its a Google product and it has many other features.
But flash video downloader chrome extensions not only for video download also download mp3 format which is mesmerizing for me because I love listing. As same when you love watching then flash video downloader chrome extension definitely helps you to collect your likable mp4 and mp3. You should try it in your chrome browser.
So let’s see, Which 9 flash video downloader chrome extensions easier to use and in just a few seconds download in your pc without any single issue or breakdown.
9 Flash video downloader chrome extension
Don’t worry, we guide you step by step, just a couple of clicks need to download from almost every top website. Both flash video downloader is working good but you can choose or swift another one if anyone not working for you.
But at first, you need to add the extension in your chrome browser then you can use it, How you can add? we are cover the below section.
Table of Contents
Flash Video Downloader
In our list, Flash Video Downloader is the first position, just because it’s working and downloads your content 99% times. Which really good from others, uses also super easy means, anyone uses it in their chrome browser.
How to add Flash video Downloader extension in your browser?
If you don’t have experience with chrome extension then, don’t worry. Blindly follow our steps to do them right away.
Step 1
Open our chrome browser and go to then search “chrome extension” and click on the first result to open a chrome web store or you can go directly to the chrome web store.

Step 2
When you open the “chrome web store” type “Flash video downloader” in the search box, which is left side on your screen. In the search result, you can see the “Add to Chrome” button, just click on it.

After the click, you can see “pop up” is open which asks you for permission to add extension or cancel. Just click “Add Extension” and wait for few second (its depend on internet connection).

When it added, you can see the top right corner. Now you need to know how you can use Flash video downloader chrome and download a video in your pc.

How to use Flash Video Downloader?
Flash Video Downloader super easy to use, now when you watching any video or you are in any video site. Just click the Flash Video Downloader icon and the extension showing all videos list which has in that web page.
How to download videos or songs?
We hope Step images help you to batter understanding. Now, After adding the flash video downloader chrome extension, when you open any social media page then these extensions start working. That time these give you the option to download all videos which are available on that specific page.

Example :
You can see on the image when I open my Facebook then flash video downloader chrome extension shows me all video on that page. Here only have to click download icon that all your videos now your pc.
Read more: High Memory Usage Windows 10
Video DownloadHelper
Video Download Extension is the second most popular Flash Video Downloader chrome extension. More than 10k+ peoples give 4 stars. Accrued and works time fine, easily download your videos and music, If sometimes you do not see the video list then you should reload the page then click immediately on the extension icon.

Download or add extension process almost the same But the interface of downloading a little bit different.
How to add Video DownloadHealper extension in your browser?
The extension adding process is the same for every Flash Video Downloader chrome extension. So then I am jumping to the last step where you know you to download.
When you successfully add this video downloader extension on your browser. Then now let’s see how to use it.
When you click on the icon its gives you the option to download video on the various format means quality. Like 320p, 480p, 720p but its depend on videos.
Not every Video have good quality, you can see on the screenshot. Click the download icon inside the list video to start downloading. Here We are download video from twitter which you also can.
Video Downloader Professional
Next, we have another good performing extension which is working 90% of times perfectly. The 4+ rating really good, you can also try it, just click on here to open Video download professional in your chrome web store. But the positive thing is video loading time is a bit of fast than others. It definitely will be a good choice.

How to use video Downloader professional
Similarly, add the extension in your chrome browser then go to any social media site from where you want to download internet videos. Only couples of clicks need to download your video in your pc.
vGet Extension (Video Download, DLNA)
Now we are introducing vGet Extension Which is mostly used as a Flash Video Downloader chrome extension. You are not able to download any mp3 files from this software. You can see on screenshots there don’t have any mp3 options. So keep it in your mind its only for video purpose.

How to use vGet Extension (Video Download, DLNA)
Don’t need to worry’s because after adding on your chrome, It doesn’t show any download icon. When you click on this extension it showing you a list of all mp4 files which are available on your page. For download, you just click on the mp4 file name.
VLC Video Downloader
VLC video Downloader is the most hight rated extension but the users are minimum only because of, its new software. But we ensure you very fast users are increasing and attractive on this Flash Video Downloader chrome extension because it has unique features which not have any others.

Why VLC video Downloader extension differents?
VLC provides some extra features which not provides others. After opening its showing you two options “My Videos” and “Add Videos”. So you can directly excess your saved video files through “My Videos”.options and there you have an option.
“Add Videos” After clicking on this option you can save or download your video file in your pc. But it’s only for the video you couldn’t use on mp3 files.
One more features its provided, last videos result. When you open it from the extension bar Below section its showing videos which are last my you visite. Also gives some option directly open video or download or edit or delete form list.
Stream Video Downloader
Steam video Downloader is a good working extension but the downloading interface it’s a little bit difficult. But the positive point is 90% of the time it’s working and finding your videos perfectly.

Not any flash video downloader chrome extension is working 100% times for the server issues. You can try if our above top 5 listed extension not working for you.
Video Downloader Pro
Video Downloader Pro is not popular but its a really good working extension. The adding process same but it provides some extra benefits. Before the download, it’s showing the video size, so I think its really good features. When you have limited MB or GB then it’s helpful.

It provides a play option, so without download, you are playing any video from here. Inside the picture, you can see all details which are discussed here.
Video Downloader Plus
Video Downloader Plus is the most popular extension. More than 16k+ peoples submit their review and which is 5 start rates. But now you are thinking why we are listed too below the extension. Its the current time it’s not working perfectly like other top 5 extensions.

You can also try at once because it provides many file formats likes MP4, MOV, AVI, ASF, MPG so you need those formats then these are the best flash Video Downloader chrome extension for you.
Video Downloader premium
Video Downloader premium is our last flash video downloader chrome extension. Just search on the chrome web store and you can find it. Then add in your extension bar for use. The interface is simple and the performance type is okay. If other extensions are not working then you will go with it.

We are don’t recommended that at first, you are starting with these extensions. At first, try to start the top 5. After using we have listed all these extensions.
Bottom Line
Flash video downloader chrome extension really important because when we need to save any video offline or download then the normal process is a bit of a hard and long time. Normally after copy, the video link and goes to another site to download the videos. But here Flash video downloader chrome extension makes it easier than ever.