Today I want to talk to you about what is malware, it’s a phrase we’ve been hearing a lot of lately we know it’s annoying and not something we want but most people don’t know exactly what is malware is short for malicious software. 

what is malware
The term is used to describe a lot of threats on the internet landscape viruses Trojans spot things the bad guys used to mess up your day. They may be trying to steal resources from your computer or trying to steal from you they can range from slightly annoying the very harmful. During this video we’re going to talk about the different types of malware how we get them how we can avoid them and finally how we get rid of them if we have them on our computer. But first let’s talk about where they come from. 

Obviously since the term malicious as part of mail where there’s some bad guys behind it these bad guys want to get their malicious software on your machine. Often they’re referred to as hackers but let’s take a moment to talk about a half. Not all hackers are bad guys hacker can beat anybody who uses their knowledge of computer coding to bypass security measures on a computer device or network. Early on viruses had various utilities and work engineered mostly by people in the computer science industry. College students created viruses for research projects in order to help further their studies and fine tune their coding skills. Hackers are generally categorized by the type of metaphorical.

 White half gray half black half the term comes from the old spaghetti westerns where the bad guy wears a black cowboy hat and the good guy wears a white. There are 2 main things that determine the type of hacker you’re dealing with their motivations and whether or not they’re breaking the law. 

what is malware

We didn’t have white hat hacker seeking out threats and vulnerabilities before the black cats can find them then there would probably be a lot more cyber crime than there is now. 

types of malware 

Okay now let’s take a look at the different types of malware you might encounter. 

First not all male where’s destructive but it can cause very annoying behavior like generating a bunch of pop up ads or can cause your computer to run very slowly. These types of programs are not classified as malware they’re known as potentially unwanted programs or P. you ace which can come bundled in legitimate software programs as a package these programs can negatively affecting computer and can even interviews other security risks or get you to buy something that you just don’t need then there’s ad whether this is software that displays unwanted advertising on a computer or mobile device usually in the form of pop up ads or they may redirect your browser to a certain website. Well it usually doesn’t cause any direct harm to the user’s device it can be very annoying annoying behavior that can sometimes contain spyware as well. Something almost like at work is a browser hijacker.

 I checking a browser means that malicious software has redirected your computer’s browser to a different website journal used to display advertising it can be used to generate visit to a certain website or lead you to a malicious website that will download malware on your computer and that’s where things can go from annoying to off. And speaking of awful let’s take a look at the real bad guys at the mail where world these are the ones that you really have to watch out.


    First let’s take a look at spike. This mail order is designed to do exactly what it sounds like spot it heights on your computer monitors and everything you do the contract weather activities access email even steal your user name and password.


   Next is ransomware. A lot about this one lately and for good reason with ransomware someone can lock up your computer holding it hostage and forcing you to pay a lot of money just to get your files. This little guy is a great reason to regularly back up the important things on your computer. And then there’s warms. Warm main objective is to spread as many copies of itself in any way possible from computer to computer a warm can replicate itself without any human interaction and it does not need to attach itself to a program in order to cause damage worms can modify and delete files and even injected additional mail where onto the computer. Another former mail where we’ve heard about the 4 is a Trojan horse much like the famous one from Roman history these bits of malware hide in what looks like harmless software let’s look at a few.

what is malware

  I thank you Trojan is mail where that hides on your machine and gets in the middle of the conversation you’re having with your back can steal the password to your bank account you can make you think you’re talking to your bank and get you to hand over personal information even your pin number. But in the end it steals your money to get them to your bank accountThen we have backdoor Trojans these will look to create a back door on a user’s computer allowing the attacker to access the machine in order to get control of it upload stolen data and even download more mail where on to the computer. The downloader Trojan can get on your computer and then download any type of information the attacker wants including more mail where. In information staler has one main objective steal data from the infected computer. 
Another is the remote access Trojan this mail where is designed to give the attacker full control over your. And the last Trojan we’ll talk about is DDO S. attacked the DD less attack Trojan DDO S. stands for distributed denial of service and it’s designed to take down an entire network by flooding it with traffic.

 Now let’s move from Trojan horse mail where to macro viruses these are the type of viruses that are written specifically to alter macros which are common,and that word processing programs you want opened macros can cause changes in the tax documents such is removing or inserting words changing the font or even other strange and annoying. Some macros can even access email accounts and send out copies of itself to a user’s contact the last email where we’ll talk about now are road where and scare. Also known as rogue security software road where Ismael where that says there’s a problem on your machine and offers to solid if you paid. Often it will pretend to be anti virus software popping up on your screen to tell you your machine is full now. The only male we’re on your system is the road where some of the scammers will pop up on your screen telling you that your computer operating system has errors or is running slowly or could crash in the offer to fix the problem for prices well if you receive a message from a program you’re not familiar with informing you that you have a virus or serious error on your system it’s a scam internet search of the programs able usually notify you if it’s wrong.
 So there’s a lot of mail or just know that we’re not trying to scare you with all this we’re just trying to educate you about what’s out there. 

Now let’s talk about how male we’re gets on your computer. One way you can get a security risk is through a bundled free software program. Free is never usually 100 percent free when it comes to software and apps there’s always some sort of trade off a lot of the times free software companies will partner with other companies and bundle additional software suite in the download. Mostly these programs are bundled with toolbar add ons however hidden within the software packages can be spy ware and libraries or even browser hijackers well these are not mail where they can still pose security risks to your computer. Another way to get our is through file sharing sites downloading content illegally is bad but it’s highly popular using the client like BitTorrent users can download media via peer to peer file sharing. Over these files tend to travel across multiple computers which probably don’t have internet security software so they’re easily infected with malware in additionally hackers can set up fake files on these networks that are based on popular downloads that are actually mail where in disguise.

what is malware

 A newer form our was recently found concealed inside the firmware over USB stick firmware software embedded in the hardware device in use for the basic functioning of the device since the malware is hidden in the firmware and not the storage area of the U. S. B. stick it’s very hard to detect. Attackers often have help getting on your machine in the form of explicate these are malicious tool kits at attackers used to search for software vulnerabilities on their targets computer the kids come with pre written code that will search for the vulnerabilities and once it’s found the kid can then load mail work under the computer through the security hole..what is malware  These exploit kits allow attackers to in fact is while we’re web browsing and it’s called the drive by download this is a download that occurs when a user visits a malicious website that’s hosting an exploit kit there’s no interaction needed on the user’s part other than visiting the infected web page the explicate will look for the vulnerability in the software of the browser check mail where via the security hole. One of the newer ways to get now work is through the mail over time using and it’s rising in popularity among cyber criminals the hackers will purchase legitimate advertising space a legitimate websites and within the ad will be malicious code summer to a drive by download there’s no interaction needed on the user’s part to download the mail where. Often the attackers will fool you into infecting yourself this is called social engineering. Of a phishing attack you might get an email instant message or other social media notice asking you to click on a link sometimes these appear as friendly notices from friends but they can also appear as scare tactics tell you if you have a problem you have to respond immediately clicking on that link can trigger a drive by download the one we just talked about. You have to be very careful about what you click.

 Even in today’s digital age people still don’t understand the true need for it internet security programs cyber criminal industry costs the global economy approximately $300000000000 a year these numbers alone prove how essential it is to have protection across all your devices as business is certainly booming in the mail where world as you can see there’s a lot of ways that attackers are trying to get you with that said let’s look at something you can do to try and stay away from our attack first keep your computer alas all software up to date these updates often include ways to stop the latest mail where..what is malware Think twice before you click on a link or download anything this includes email attachments that say they’re coming from your friends or companies you do business with. Don’t trust pop up windows that ask you to download software or call an 800 number for help remember free is rarely free do regular backups of all the important things on your computer that doesn’t stop malware but it does protect what you have should you find yourself a victim of ransomware. And finally use good security software today you need more than just anti virus software you need security that is on the lookout for all sorts of attacks obviously we recommend Norton security and Norton security premium nor defense against viruses spyware malware as all the other things we talked about today that will help you avoid some of the nastiest malware but what if you think you’re already been infected.

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