Rakesh sarkar
Hi! My name is rakesh sarkar. I’m 22 and I live in KOLKATA which is the small city of India.
in means of rakesh sarkar, i dont know that this time, but i rally want to know the meaning of the name rakesh of rakesh sarkar. i am the owner of tronzi.com the tech specialist.

Rakesh Sarkar
I’m interested in computer science, music, sport and fantasy literature. Computers first appered in my life when I was 18. Then I had got my first computer. It was Commodore 64 and I remember myself thinking, that it was the best thing in the world. I was playing it whenever I could. Then I had got my first PC. At first, I was just playing computer games, but some time later, I noticed that I could do a lot more things with the computer, for example programming. Now, I can already programue in Pascal, C++ and HTML. I have my own site on the internet and I have done many programues. I hope that in the future I will get a job as a computer expert.
rakesh sarkar
I have always been good at sports. I like playing soccer, running . My favorite intelectual game is chess, but I have never played it professionaly.
rakesh sarkar
I love fantasy literature. I read fantasy books and magazines, watch fantasy films and play role playing games in which fantasy world is used as background. Once every two weeks, I meet with my friends and we play „PUBG”. I’m the master of the game and they are players. We play about five hours session.